Spawn welcomes remote employees with open (6 foot distant) arms, but the majority of our staff is used to waking up and heading to the office every morning. With our recent shift to an all remote agency, here’s what our team had to say about what they learned, week one:
1.) GO OUTSIDE AFTER WORK EVERYDAY. This has been critical for my sanity and headspace. Plus, I’ve actually seen more nature in three days than in three months. -Hannah
2.) Good lighting for Zoom calls is key. -Siobhan
3.) Take small breaks – get outside for a quick walk or jog. -Alonna
4.) Getting up and showering to start your day as if you were going into the office cannot be underscored enough (I’ve also made my bed every morning, I NEVER MAKE MY BED). -Hannah
5.) Some days it’s great to work in sweatpants. -Amy
6.) Try and clean after the workday so tasks and chores won’t tempt you during the day while you should be focusing (My home has never been more clean!). -Hannah
7.) Have fun with Zoom backgrounds. -Amy

8.) Cats like to sit in the worst places. -Amy
9.) I can’t print things when my husband is on a conference call because the printer is located in his “Home Office”. -Susanne
10.) A “work nook” is a necessity – no matter how small. I’m getting too old to sit cross-legged on the floor for hours on end! -Geneva

11.) Eating more than normal is WAY too easy. Schedule your meals, try not to snack all the time. -Hannah
12.) Ergonomic office chairs serve a purpose. Turns out the couch/bed are actually only good for watching TV. -Michelle
13.) My pups make great coworkers as they are heavy day nappers. -Iny

14.) Technology makes it much easier to stay connected and fill in the gaps of not having face-to-face interactions with colleagues. -Rebecca
15.) Dog lovins are a great mid-day stress reliever. -Marina